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IoT Sweden receives continued funding

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By incorporating technology, behavioural change and knowledge sharing, Internet of Things Sweden (IoT Sweden) has created a unique arena for promoting the use of IoT in the public sector. The programme has now been granted continued funding for its final three years.

Press Release, 19 June 2024:

IoT Sweden serves an important function for investments in innovative IoT solutions in municipalities and regions. Since its inception in 2014, the strategic innovation programme has contributed to both development and progress in the field. A clear indication of this is the high marks that IoT Sweden received in the latest evaluation conducted by Sweco on behalf of the funding organisations Vinnova the Swedish Innovation Agency, the Swedish Energy Agency and Formas (Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development). IoT Sweden has now been granted funding for its last and final stage.

“We are proud and happy that confidence in us continues. We have built a unique movement around the use of the Internet of Things in the public sector. In a larger perspective, IoT Sweden contributes to creating a sustainable future in which smart societal solutions are an important cog in the wheel,” says Catrin Ditz, Programme Manager at IoT Sweden.

Catrin Ditz foto Mikael Wallerstedt
Catrin Ditz. Photo by Mikael Wallerstedt.

Over the years, IoT Sweden has funded around 140 projects with almost SEK 350 million. The project portfolio includes IoT initiatives in virtually all areas of society, from healthcare and health to education, climate and smart city solutions. The portfolio also includes strategic investments in procurement, standardisation, interoperability and cybersecurity.

Strategic talks on the way forward

During the final three years, the focus will be on creating strategic partnerships with potential actors who could take over when IoT Sweden draws to a close in 2026. There is a great need for a national unifying force for the Internet of Things.

“After nine years, it is clear that municipalities and regions need continued support in these issues, which are often highly complex. We have already started strategic work that involves talking to various actors who could take our issues further,” says Azadeh Lithammer, Board Chair of IoT Sweden.

Azadeh Lithammer.

In addition, IoT Sweden will continue to create conditions for an IoT that benefits society. An important part of the remaining three years of work is to continue to help Swedish IoT companies enter the European market. The IoT Forum, IoT Sweden’s arena for knowledge sharing and experience exchange for the Internet of Things in the public sector, will also continue.

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