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We are IoT Sweden

We are IoT Sweden

Internet of Things Sweden – IoT Sweden – is a strategic innovation programme that supports and funds innovative IoT project in public-sector all-over Sweden.

A strategic innovation programme

IoT Sweden is one of 17 strategic innovation programmes funded by the three Swedish authorities Vinnova (the innovation agency); the Swedish Energy Agency; and Formas (a Swedish research council for sustainable development). Through collaboration in areas that are strategically important for Sweden, conditions are created for sustainable solutions to global societal challenges and increased international competitiveness. Within the programmes, companies, academia and organisations together develop the sustainable products and services of the future.

Norra Djurgårdsstaden foto Stockholms stad
Smart cities use a variety of IoT technologies to measure air pollution, noise, traffic, soil moisture and more. Stockholm Royal Seaport (Norra Djurgårdsstaden) is actively working with various IoT. Photo: City of Stockholm.

IoT Sweden

IoT Sweden started in 2014 and, like all the other strategic innovation programmes, the lifespan is maximum 12 years. IoT Sweden is hosted by Uppsala University and led by a Board of Trustees. The Programmatic Office with its 7 staff members is in charge of the daily activities.

Funding calls on innovative IoT

Each year, IoT Sweden gets funds from Vinnova in order to have open calls (or direct support) for IoT projects in the public sector (municipalities and regions). Our IoT projects aim to help creating new models or prototypes for services and products for the good of the society as well as reaching a higher quality, sustainability or efficiency for the Swedish citizens. To transfer knowledge is also a big part of our work, so that people involved in our projects can manage IoT projects that leads to the greater good for society and its individuals.

Äldre par i lägenhet
IoT solutions such as alarms and other security technologies are used in elderly care to facilitate security and help older people remain in their homes longer. IoT Sweden supports several projects in this field. Photo: Adobe Stock.

Our projects

To date we have funded more than 100 innovative IoT projects with more than 200 million SEK. The projects have contributed with the same amount of funding, either with money or in kind. Our projects are centred around the following themes:

  • Healthcare
  • IoT infrastructure
  • Climate and environment
  • Increased IoT ability
  • Sustainable built environments
  • School and education
  • IoT procurement

Please dont’t hesitate to contact us.